4/27 The clustering behavior of active particle suspension under spatial-temporal modulated confinement

時間:4月27日(四) 13:20 ~ 15:10

題目:The clustering behavior of active particle suspension under spatial-temporal modulated confinement

講者:姚松偉 副教授

服務單位:國立中正大學 物理學系


地點:本校科學三館1樓 SC157

4/20 Quantum Technologies with Infinite-Dimensional Quantum Systems

時間:4月20日(四) 13:20 ~ 15:10

題目:Quantum Technologies with Infinite-Dimensional Quantum Systems

講者:王喬萱 助理教授

服務單位:國立臺灣大學 物理學系


地點:本校科學三館1樓 SC157

3/30 Recent Advances in Non-Hermitian Physics

時間:3月30日(四) 13:20 ~ 14:50

題目:Recent Advances in Non-Hermitian Physics

講者:游至仕 助理教授

服務單位:國立臺灣師範大學 物理學系


地點:本校科學三館1樓 SC157

3/23 Topological Material

時間:3月23日(四) 13:30 ~ 14:50

題目:Topological Material

講者:高賢忠 教授

服務單位:國立臺灣師範大學 物理學系


地點:本校科學三館1樓 SC157

3/16 Exploring Quantum Electrodynamic Effects in Chemistry

時間:3月16日(四) 13:30 ~ 14:50

題目:Exploring Quantum Electrodynamic Effects in Chemistry

講者:許良彥 副研究員

服務單位:中央研究院 原子與分子科學研究所


地點:本校科學三館1樓 SC157


112 學年度台聯大碩士班正取報到通知單

㇐、 放棄錄取資格:
逾時未報到者,以放棄錄取資格論。同時請務必於 112/3/16 下午 4:00 前,親簽「放棄聲明書(如附檔)」後,以傳真、郵寄、親送,或掃瞄 e-mail 回覆,才算完成放棄手續

二、 錄取報到:
() 線上填寫新生基本資料:請於 112/3/15 中午 12:00 前填寫 https://forms.gle/dbXLiBtMeLLgmubt8
(二) 報到
 1. 時間:112/3/16 上午 9:00-12:00、下午 1:30-5:00,請在報到日前完成其他學校的放棄手續
 2. 地點:陽明交大新竹交大校區科學三館 3 樓 SC352 室。
 3. 應備文件:
  (1) 畢業證書正本及影本各 1 份,尚未取得者須填寫「切結書(如附檔)」辦理報到。
  (2) 身份證正本。
  (3) 以在職生身份報考之考生,應於報到時繳交在職人員進修同意書正本。
  (4) 代理報到請備妥授權書(格式自訂)、代理人及考生身分證件。
 4. 新生入學指引:線上維護新生個人資料。
  (1) 網址:https://newstudents.nctu.edu.tw/master/
  (2) 112 學年度第 1 學期(112 年 9 月)入學學生預計於 112 年 6 月 1 日開放填寫。
  (3) 請務必完成新生資料維護,上傳照片,按下確認鍵,才算完成報到,學校才能製作學生證。
三、 物理所簡介 https://tinyurl.com/yaas5sx3
四、 獎助學金(詳情請洽所辦)
  A、博㇐生經指導教授推薦,原則上每位教授每年最多推薦㇐位。每名每月金額八仟元,以 12 個月為限。
  A、碩㇐生上學期由甄試及筆試招收正取若干名,人數由所長、招生委員及學務委員決定。下學期由必修量子力學(㇐)及各人所選修物理所非專題課程中最高分,兩科平均之前若干名,每名每月金額以六仟元為上限,上下學期各發 5 個月。
  B、碩二生由量力(㇐)(二)(統計力學或電動力學()其㇐),三科平均之前二名領取。每名在碩二第㇐學期發給 5 個月每月金額以六仟元為上限。

電話:03-5720810 / 傳真:03-5720728 / 地址:新竹市大學路 1001 號科學三館 3 樓 SC352 室
聯絡人:許楦敏小姐 / email:f641126@nycu.edu.tw / 網址: https://phys.nycu.edu.tw/




時間:112.3.28 (二)12:20-13:10
報名截止日期:112.3.22 (三)中午12:00前

陽明交大物理所跨域學程請參考 http://phys.nycu.edu.tw/學生專區/跨域學程

若有相關跨域學程問題歡迎聯絡 03-5712121#31956 許小姐


112學年度第1學期逕讀博士班報名至3/15止( 2023 Direct Admission to the Doctoral Program )


NYCU Institute of Physics
Operations and Schedule of Application for Direct Admission to Doctoral Program for Fall Semester 2023




  1. 陽明交通大學、清華大學、政治大學之學士班應屆畢業生(含申請提前畢業學生)


  1. 陽明交通大學、清華大學、政治大學之碩士班生

Article 1. Applicants:

  1. Undergraduate students of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Tsing Hua University and National Chengchi University who graduate in the current year (including those who apply to graduate early).
  2. Master students of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Tsing Hua University and National Chengchi University.



  1. 報名:3月1日-3月15日
  2. 請檢具「陽明交通大學逕行修讀博士學位申請表」、含名次之大學成績單與碩士班學業成績單、自傳及研習計畫各一篇、兩封副教授以上推薦函,以及其他有利審查之資料如獎項、論文發表等送交物理所所辦。
  3. 清華大學、政治大學之碩士班生,申請表須指導教授及系所主管簽章。(學士班應屆畢業生免簽章)

Article 2. Application:

  1. Application period: March 1st – March 15th
  2. Please submit to Institute Office of IOP “National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Application Form of Direct Admission to Doctoral Program”, transcript for all semesters of undergraduate and master program with ranking, one autobiography, one statement of purpose, 2 letters of recommendation by associate professors or above, and other useful supporting documents such as rewards, published papers, and so on.
  3. Application forms submitted by master students of National Tsing Hua University and National Chengchi University should have the signature of their advisors and directors of the department/institute (the signature is not necessary for undergraduate students who graduate in the current year).




Article 3. Examination and administration procedure:

The quota of direct admission to doctoral program: 2



  1. 「國立陽明交通大學逕修讀博士學位作業規定」https://tinyurl.com/2j4abcaw
  2. 台灣聯合大學系統學生逕修讀博士學位作業要點 https://tinyurl.com/2jnngc7u
  3. 「國立陽明交通大學逕修讀物理研究所博士學位作業規定」、申請表、推薦書。 https://tinyurl.com/ygtovwff


Article 4. Application form and related regulations:

  1. ” National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Regulations of Direct Admission to Doctoral Program ” https://tinyurl.com/2j4abcaw
  2. ” Regulations for Direct Admission of Students of the University System of Taiwan to PhD Program ” https://tinyurl.com/2jnngc7u
  3. ” NYCU Institute of Physics Regulations of Direct Admission to Doctoral Program “, Application, and Letter of Recommendation for Applying. https://tinyurl.com/yhz7oxr5



Article 5. Scholarships and grants (for details, please contact the Institute Office):





“Institute of Physics of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Implementation Regulations for Scholarships and Grants for Graduate Students”

Article 2. Scholarship for doctoral program:

The first year Ph.D. students can receive the scholarship by advisors’ recommendation. In principle, each advisor can recommend at most one Ph.D. student every academic year. For each recommended Ph.D. student, the amount of scholarship is NTD 8,000 dollars per month, and the period is limited to 12 months.



Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics 2023 Summer Student Program

Are you interested in astronomy and astrophysical research? Are you looking for a full-time summer internship to participate in the academic research of astronomy, astrophysics, or astronomical instrumentation? If so, then you are encouraged to apply for the ASIAA Summer Student Program.

Our Summer Students conduct original research at the forefront of observational, theoretical, or laboratory-based topics in astronomy and astrophysics under the supervision of a professional astronomer at ASIAA. Students also attend a series of lectures on basic astronomy to support their projects and for general knowledge. At the end of the 8-week program, students give a final presentation on their research project. For a list of publications resulting from previous summer student projects, see http://www.asiaa.sinica.edu.tw/outreach/summerstudent.php.

Summer Students receive a stipend of NTD 26,000 per month (except remote students).

Time: July 3 – August 31, 2023

Qualified Applicants:
Undergraduate students majoring in mathematical, physical, computational sciences, and engineering. Students at all levels will be considered, but advanced undergraduates (juniors, seniors) or those entering a master’s course are preferred. Students in Taiwan should participate in person.

Application Deadline: March 24, 2023
All applicants should submit the application form online (https://events.asiaa.sinica.edu.tw/ssp/2023/).

Contact E-mail: summer@asiaa.sinica.edu.tw


獲獎人:梁駿聲 Chun Sing Jason Leung — 林貴林教授指導(博士生)


領域:PF-粒子與場 Particles and Fields

論文題目:What can DUNE and JUNO detectors tell us about flavor transitions of galactic supernova neutrinos?
