11/25 Entanglement, non-unitary conformal field theories, and non-Hermitian quantum systems

時間:11月25日(四) 13:20 ~ 15:10

題目:Entanglement, non-unitary conformal field theories, and non-Hermitian quantum systems

講者:張博堯 老師

服務單位:國立清華大學 物理學系


地點:本校科學三館1樓 SC157


Entanglement is a powerful tool to diagnose many-body quantum systems. The triumph examples are the critical systems where the low energy property can be described by conformal field theories (CFTs). The central charge which uniquely characterizes the CFT can be perfectly extracted from the entanglement entropy. However, the entanglement properties for non-unitary CFTs are not well understood. Moreover, the microscopic models of fermionic systems which can be described by non-unitary CFTs have not been explored. In this colloquium, I would like to demonstrate several non-Hermitian fermionic systems which can be described by non-unitary CFTs, and show their entanglement properties can be correctly obtained by our proposed generic entanglement entropy.

11/18 Simulate quantum transport by quench dynamics using matrix product state

時間:11月18日(四) 13:20 ~ 15:10

題目:Simulate quantum transport by quench dynamics using matrix product state

講者:鍾佳民 老師

服務單位:國立中山大學 物理學系


地點:採取線上教學,請連結Google Meet:  http://meet.google.com/xhy-yotv-wax


Studying the transport properties of a nanostructure is a key tool in understanding and developing quantum devices. In this work we develop a method to simulate quantum transport in interacting systems using matrix product state. In particular we develop a method to simulate the current in a superconducting chain with charging energy, which is close related to a Majorana chain system. We benchmark our result in both a quantum dot system and a Majorana chain.