11/1 Spatial-Temporal dynamics in Solid State Lasers 固態雷射時空動力學之研究

時間:11月1日(二) 12:20 ~ 13:20

題目:Spatial-Temporal dynamics in Solid State Lasers  固態雷射時空動力學之研究

講者:梁興弛 教授

服務單位:國立臺灣海洋大學 光電與材料科技學系

地點:本校科學三館1樓 SC160

10/27 Decoherence limit of quantum systems obeying generalized uncertainty principle: new paradigm for Tsallis thermostatistics

時間:10月27日(四) 13:45 ~ 15:10

題目:Decoherence limit of quantum systems obeying generalized uncertainty principle: new paradigm for Tsallis thermostatistics

講者:Doc. Dr Petr Jizba

服務單位:Department of Physics, Czech Technical University in Prague


地點:線上演講 https://meet.google.com/ndj-aqqz-xuo   修課學生請至科學三館1樓 SC157教室聽講


Decoherence limit of quantum systems obeying generalized uncertainty principle: new paradigm for Tsallis thermostatistics
The generalized uncertainty principle (GUP) is a phenomenological model whose purpose is to account for a minimal length scale (eg, Planck scale or characteristic inverse-mass scale in effective quantum description) in quantum systems. In my talk I will discuss possible observational effects of GUP systems in their decoherence domain. I first derive coherent states associated to GUP and unveil that in the momentum representation they coincide with Tsallis’ probability amplitudes, whose non-extensivity parameter q monotonically increases with the GUP deformation parameter β . Secondly, for β < (ie, q < 1      ), I show that, due to Bekner-Babenko inequality, the GUP is fully equivalent to information-theoretic uncertainty relations based on Tsallis-entropy-power. Finally, I invoke the Maximal Entropy principle known from estimation theory to reveal connection between the quasi -classical (decoherence) limit of GUP-related quantum theory and non-extensive thermostatistics of Tsallis. This might provide an exciting paradigm in a range of fields from quantum theory to analog gravity. For instance, in some quantum gravity theories, such as conformal gravity, the aforementioned quasi-classical regime has relevant observational consequences. I will discuss some of the implications.
P. Jizba and J. Korbel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 , 120601 (2019).    
P. Jizba, Y. Ma, A. Hayes, and JA Dunningham Phys. Rev. 93 , 060104(R) (2016)   
P.Jizba,  G. Lambiase, G. Luciano and L. Petruziello, Phys. Rev. D 105, L121501 (2022)
EP Verlinde, JHEP 04 , 029 (2011) 
PD Mannheim and JG O’Brien, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 121101 (2011)  

10/20 Efficient information usage by cells – and cell biologists

時間:10月20日(四) 13:20 ~ 14:50

題目:Efficient information usage by cells – and cell biologists

講者:神野圭太 助研究員

服務單位:中央研究院 分子生物研究所


地點:本校科學三館1樓 SC157  (本次演講與電物系共同上課,講員於次軒廳演講,透過 google meet於SC157轉播)

備註:GoogleMeet連結直播 https://meet.google.com/nan-fqxi-cqc

Abstract: Organisms acquire and use sensory information to guide their behaviors. Likewise, scientists acquire and use the information contained in experimental data to better understand systems of interest. In both cases, the amounts of information available are usually limited, so using it efficiently is critical. In this seminar, I will discuss two aspects of efficient information usage. First, I explore information usage by cells, describing how we have discovered that motile Escherichia coli cells (arguably the simplest model of biological behavior) acquire very little information but use it highly efficiently. Second, I examine information usage by scientists, elaborating on how faced with noisy fluorescence data from single E. coli cells, we developed a method to extract relevant signals from raw data with theoretically maximal efficiency. Finally, I examine similarities between these two processes.



  1. Kamino, K., Keegstra, J. M., Long, J., Emonet, T., & Shimizu, T. S. (2020). Adaptive tuning of cell sensory diversity without changes in gene expression. Science Advances, 6(46), eabc1087.
  2. Mattingly*, H. H., Kamino*, K., Machta, B. B., & Emonet, T. (2021). Escherichia coli chemotaxis is information limited. Nature Physics, 17(12), 1426-1431. (*Equal contribution)
  3. Kamino*, K., Kadakia, N., Aoki, K., Shimizu, T. S., & Emonet*, T. (2022). Optimal inference of molecular interaction dynamics in FRET microscopy. In revision in PNAS (*Corresponding authors)