5/25 Surfing the waves of death with biological switches and topologies

時間:5月25日(四) 13:20 ~ 15:10

題目: Surfing the waves of death with biological switches and topologies

講者:陳昇宏 助研究員

服務單位:中央研究院 分子生物研究所


地點:本校科學三館1樓 SC157

5/18 職涯講座【求職心方向 成就好職涯】如何找到合適工作、面試技巧、職場求生術

時間:5月18 日(四) 13:30 ~ 14:50

題目:【求職心方向 成就好職涯】如何找到合適工作、面試技巧、職場求生術

講者:陳律仰 先生 (苓業國際開發有限公司 人資長暨營運二處 處長)


地點:本校科學三館1樓 SC157

5/11 Hopes and challenges in modern planet formation and evolution

時間:5月11日(四) 13:20 ~ 15:10

題目: Hopes and challenges in modern planet formation and evolution

講者:林明楷 副研究員

服務單位:中央研究院 天文及天文物理研究所


地點:本校科學三館1樓 SC157

摘要:With the discovery of over 5000 extra-solar planets to date, the formation and evolution of planets and planetary systems are among the most rapidly developing fields of astrophysics. In the standard ‘bottom-up’ scenario, planets form from planetesimals — km or larger-sized bodies. Planetesimals form from small, mm-cm size pebbles, which themselves form from micro-sized dust grains immersed in gaseous protoplanetary disks around young stars. I will describe several obstacles, but also new possibilities, on the road from dust to planets from recent theoretical modeling of planetesimal formation and evolution in modern models of protoplanetary disks.