11/18 Simulate quantum transport by quench dynamics using matrix product state

時間:11月18日(四) 13:20 ~ 15:10

題目:Simulate quantum transport by quench dynamics using matrix product state

講者:鍾佳民 老師

服務單位:國立中山大學 物理學系


地點:採取線上教學,請連結Google Meet:  http://meet.google.com/xhy-yotv-wax


Studying the transport properties of a nanostructure is a key tool in understanding and developing quantum devices. In this work we develop a method to simulate quantum transport in interacting systems using matrix product state. In particular we develop a method to simulate the current in a superconducting chain with charging energy, which is close related to a Majorana chain system. We benchmark our result in both a quantum dot system and a Majorana chain.