12/24 【Special lecture】Unraveling Nanoscale Stimulus Dynamics in Complex Material Systems: Insights from Scanning Probe and Phase-Field Modeling

時間:12月24日(二) 12:00 ~ 13:20

題目:Unraveling Nanoscale Stimulus Dynamics in Complex Material Systems: Insights from Scanning Probe and Phase-Field Modeling

講者:劉懿德 博士後研究員 Dr. Yi-De Liou, Postdoc

服務單位: Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University

地點:本校科學三館1樓 SC102會議室


Understanding how external stimuli, such as electric field, mechanical strain, and light, induce dynamic changes in the physical properties of complex material systems is a central challenge in condensed matter physics. Systems like complex oxides, heterostructures, and 2D materials exhibit emergent phenomena—such as ferroelectricity, magnetism, and ultrafast photovoltaic effects—that arise from intricate couplings among electronic, structural, and magnetic degrees of freedom. These phenomena provide a rich platform for exploring fundamental physics and offer pathways to novel device applications. However, the underlying mechanisms driving these nanoscale stimulus dynamics and their connection to mesoscale behaviors remain elusive.
This presentation investigates an integrated approach that combines scanning probe microscopy (SPM) and phase-field modeling to uncover the physics governing these dynamic processes. SPM techniques deliver nanoscale resolution, enabling detailed characterization of domain evolution, spatial variations in conductivity, elastic moduli, and carrier dynamics under external stimuli. Complementary phase-field modeling captures the underlying physical principles linking nanoscale interactions to mesoscale phenomena, including domain wall dynamics, polarization switching, and strain-mediated coupling effects. Together, these methods enable the prediction and design of emergent properties, such as non-volatile domain switching and ultrafast photovoltaic responses, in ferroic and phase diverse systems.
Integrating experimental and theoretical methodologies advances our understanding of the mechanisms governing complex material systems under external stimuli. These findings not only deepen our knowledge of condensed matter physics but also open new opportunities to harness emergent phenomena for high-speed, high-density, and energy-efficient devices. Building on these insights, the presentation will outline future directions to expand these interdisciplinary approaches, with a particular focus on uncovering novel physics in strongly correlated and low-dimensional systems.

12/18 【Special lecture】Unraveling AGN Jets and Black Hole Accretion Across Multiple Scales

時間:12月18日(三) 12:00 ~ 13:20

題目:Unraveling AGN Jets and Black Hole Accretion Across Multiple Scales

講者:蘇恭毅 博士後研究員 Dr. Kung-Yi Su, BHI Fellow

服務單位: Black Hole Initiative, Harvard University

地點:本校科學三館3樓 SC353-2會議室


AGN feedback poses a multiscale challenge, intertwined with significant disparities across the diverse length and time scales inherent in galaxy physics and the dynamics of black hole accretion disks. In this presentation, we explore our comprehensive investigation of AGN jets and black hole accretion, spanning from the galaxy scale to the black hole event horizon, with the ultimate goal of unifying the underlying physics across these scales.
At the galactic scale, we conduct an in-depth study of the physical variations of AGN jets using isolated galaxy simulations, ranging from L* galaxies to massive cluster ellipticals. We identify the conditions under which jet models effectively quench massive galaxies and their corresponding observational signatures. Notably, we reveal the critical role of cosmic rays in jets and highlight significant variations arising from different cosmic ray launching models.
At the intermediate scale, we employ a suite of idealized simulations centered on the black hole vicinity. By resolving the gravitational capture of gas by the black hole, we examine the detailed interplay between AGN jets and black hole accretion, deriving an analytical model to describe jet propagation and the self-regulation of black hole growth as functions of black hole mass, feedback models, and gas properties. This model points to a low feedback efficiency upper limit required for the formation of supermassive black holes at high redshift, as uncovered by JWST observations.

Finally, we outline our ongoing efforts to integrate the galaxy scale and black hole horizon scale into a unified simulation framework that leverages a novel multi-zone method to track bidirectional gas flows.

【徵才】 國立臺灣師範大學僑生先修部 徵聘113學年度物理兼課及儲備教師

國立臺灣師範大學僑生先修部 徵聘113學年度物理兼課及儲備教師

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  • 四、工作地點:國立臺灣師範大學僑生先修部

新北市林口區仁愛路一段 2 號

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  • 六、截止日期:113年12月16日。
  • 七、錄取通知:錄取者個別通知(以電話或E-mail 方式)。
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  • 九、聯絡資訊:


聯絡電話:02-7749-8263               E-mail:eric6923@ntnu.edu.tw

聯絡地址:新北市林口區仁愛路一段 2 號

12/11【Special lecture】Manipulating elementary excitations in functional quantum materials using resonant X-ray techniques

時間:12月11日(三) 12:00 ~ 13:20

題目:Manipulating elementary excitations in functional quantum materials using resonant X-ray techniques

講者:曾奕 博士後研究員 Dr. Tseng Yi

服務單位:Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron, Free-Electron Laser Hamburg

地點:本校科學三館3樓 SC353-2會議室

The increasing demand and interests of quantum materials, as well as their intriguing macroscopic manifestation of collective phenomena and exotic properties, have led to unprecedented opportunities for materializing these emergent properties into functional devices, e.g. high-temperature superconductivity, quantum Hall effect, ferroelectricity, etc. In this vein, characterizing the underlying physics highlights a hallmark and unique realization in condensed matter physics, both from a fundamental as well from an applied perspective. In this talk, I will present studies using resonant X-ray spectroscopy techniques on elementary excitations in a number of quantum materials, specifically low-dimensional transition-metal magnets. Such experimental probes are sensitive to all electron degrees of freedom, i.e. lattice, spin, orbital and charge, capable of revealing unique information about the microscopic electronic interactions that are vital to the low-energy Hamiltonian. In addition to the aforementioned research achievements and present focus, future prospect including the ultrafast time control of electronic dynamics will be discussed.

12/12 Multi-messenger signals from magnetized core-collapse supernovae

時間:12月12日(四) 13:20 ~ 15:10

題目:Multi-messenger signals from magnetized core-collapse supernovae

講者:潘國全 副教授

服務單位:國立清華大學 天文研究所

地點:本校科學三館1樓 SC157

Core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) are among the most explosive events in the universe and are the birthplaces of neutron stars and stellar-mass black holes under extreme conditions. CCSNe are also ideal multi-messenger sources, expected to be detected not only through electromagnetic waves but also via neutrinos and gravitational waves.
In this talk, I will present the latest results from our multi-dimensional supernova simulations with self-consistent neutrino transport. In particular, I will focus on how magnetic fields and stellar rotation affect the explosion engine and multi-messenger signals. I will also comment on further searches for gravitational waves from core-collapse supernovae.