12/18 【Special lecture】Unraveling AGN Jets and Black Hole Accretion Across Multiple Scales

時間:12月18日(三) 12:00 ~ 13:20

題目:Unraveling AGN Jets and Black Hole Accretion Across Multiple Scales

講者:蘇恭毅 博士後研究員 Dr. Kung-Yi Su, BHI Fellow

服務單位: Black Hole Initiative, Harvard University

地點:本校科學三館3樓 SC353-2會議室


AGN feedback poses a multiscale challenge, intertwined with significant disparities across the diverse length and time scales inherent in galaxy physics and the dynamics of black hole accretion disks. In this presentation, we explore our comprehensive investigation of AGN jets and black hole accretion, spanning from the galaxy scale to the black hole event horizon, with the ultimate goal of unifying the underlying physics across these scales.
At the galactic scale, we conduct an in-depth study of the physical variations of AGN jets using isolated galaxy simulations, ranging from L* galaxies to massive cluster ellipticals. We identify the conditions under which jet models effectively quench massive galaxies and their corresponding observational signatures. Notably, we reveal the critical role of cosmic rays in jets and highlight significant variations arising from different cosmic ray launching models.
At the intermediate scale, we employ a suite of idealized simulations centered on the black hole vicinity. By resolving the gravitational capture of gas by the black hole, we examine the detailed interplay between AGN jets and black hole accretion, deriving an analytical model to describe jet propagation and the self-regulation of black hole growth as functions of black hole mass, feedback models, and gas properties. This model points to a low feedback efficiency upper limit required for the formation of supermassive black holes at high redshift, as uncovered by JWST observations.

Finally, we outline our ongoing efforts to integrate the galaxy scale and black hole horizon scale into a unified simulation framework that leverages a novel multi-zone method to track bidirectional gas flows.