Entries by lcchen

12/12 Multi-messenger signals from magnetized core-collapse supernovae

Time: 1:20pm~3:10pm, December 12 (Thursday) Title: Multi-messenger signals from magnetized core-collapse supernovae Speaker: Associate Professor Kuo-Chuan Pan (Institute of Astronomy, National Tsing Hua University) Place: Science Building III SC157 Abstract: Core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) are among the most explosive events in the universe and are the birthplaces of neutron stars and stellar-mass black holes under extreme […]

11/28 Probing entanglement dynamics on NISQ computers

Time: 1:20pm~3:10pm, November 28 (Thursday) Title: Probing entanglement dynamics on NISQ computers Speaker: Associate Professor Hsiu-Chuan Hsu (Graduate Institute of Applied Physics, National Chengchi University) Place: Science Building III SC157 Abstract: The quench dynamics of the Su-Schierffer-Heeger (SSH) chain is simulated on IBM Quantum computers. The second-order Rényi entanglement entropy, the twist order parameter and […]

10/17 Cosmic Ray Feedback in the Universe: Fermi Bubbles and Odd Radio Circles

Time: 1:20pm~3:10pm, October 17 (Thursday) Title: Cosmic Ray Feedback in the Universe: Fermi Bubbles and Odd Radio Circles Speaker: Associate Professor Hsiang-Yi Karen Yang (Institute of Astronomy, National Tsing Hua University) Place: Science Building III SC157 Abstract: Relativistic jets from supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are vital drivers of massive galaxy properties, and cosmic rays (CRs) […]

5/30 Toward a better understanding of galaxy formation in ΛCDM: part II

Time: 1:20pm~3:10pm, May 30 (Thursday) Title: Toward a better understanding of galaxy formation in ΛCDM: part II Speaker: Dr. Yen-Ting Lin (Research Fellow) (Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica) Place: Science Building III SC157 Abstract: I will continue my unfinished talk from last year(!) and provide a general overview of our current understanding of […]

5/16 The Magical Nanodiamond

Time: 1:20pm~3:10pm, May 16 (Thursday) Title: The Magical Nanodiamond Speaker: Prof. Chia-Liang Cheng (Department of Physics, National Dong Hwa University) Place: Science Building III 1F SC157

5/2 Dark Excitons in 2D Materials

Time: 1:20pm~3:10pm, May 2 (Thursday) Title: Dark Excitons in 2D Materials Speaker: Dr. Shao-Yu Chen, Assistant Research Fellow (Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Taiwan University) Place: Science Building III 1F SC157

【Workshop】The Future is Flavourful (4–6 Jun 2024)

The Future is Flavourful Starts 4 Jun 2024, 09:00 Ends 6 Jun 2024, 18:00 This is the fourth instalment of the Workshop series “The Future is …”. In this edition we want to focus on flavour physics from the Standard Model flavours of neutrinos and quarks to potential new dark and exotic flavours beyond the Standard Model […]

2/29 Low-power electronics

  Time: 1:30pm~3:10pm, February 29 (Thursday) Title: Low-power electronics Speaker: Prof. Yen Lin Huang (Department Of Materials Science And Engineering, NYCU) Place: Science Building III 1F SC157