The research result of “Low temperature and mesoscopic physics laboratory” was published on «Nature Communications»

The research result of “Low temperature and mesoscopic physics laboratory” was published on «Nature Communications».

Oxygen vacancy-driven orbital multichannel Kondo effect in Dirac nodal line metals IrO2 and RuO2

Nature Communications volume 11, Article number: 4749 (2020)
Published: 21 September 2020


The alumnus Dr. Do Quoc Tuan honored with 2018 Ta Quang Buu Award

Dr. Do Quoc Tuan honoured with 2018 Ta Quang Buu Award

The 2018 Ta Quang Buu Award for young scientists will be given to Dr. Do Quoc Tuan of the University of Natural Science (a member of Hanoi National University) for his work in the physics field with the name “Higher dimensional nonlinear massive gravity” (published on Physical Review D 93, 104003).

Related news report :

Three scientists honoured with 2018 Ta Quang Buu Award – Nhan Dan online
Three scientists to be presented Ta Quang Buu Award – VietNamNet

12/24 The First Images of a Black Hole and General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamical (GRMHD) Accretion/Jet : achievements and challenges

Time: 1:20pm, December 24 (Thursday)
Title: The First Images of a Black Hole and General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamical (GRMHD) Accretion/Jet : achievements and challenges
Speaker: Prof. Hung-Yi Pu
(Department of Physics, National Taiwan Normal University)

Place: Science Building III 1F SC110

12/17 The emergence of collective modes, ecological collapse and directed percolation at the laminar-turbulent transition

Time: 1:20pm, December 17 (Thursday)
Title: The emergence of collective modes, ecological collapse and directed percolation at the laminar-turbulent transition
Speaker: Dr. Hong-Yan Shih
(Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)

Place: Science Building III 1F SC110


How a laminar flow becomes turbulence has been an unsolved problem for more than a century and is important in various industrial applications. Recently precise measurements in pipe flow experiments showed non-trivial spatiotemporal complexity at the onset of turbulence where lifetime and splitting time of metastable turbulence do not diverge asymptotically as would have been expected in a sharp transition.
Based on numerical evidence from the hydrodynamics equations, we discovered the surprising fact that the fluid behavior at the transition is governed by the emergent predator-prey dynamics of the important long-wavelength mode, leading to the mathematical prediction that the laminar-turbulent transition is analogous to an ecosystem on the edge of extinction. This prediction demonstrates that the laminar-turbulent transition is a non-equilibrium phase transition in the directed percolation universality class, and provides a unified picture of transition to turbulence emerging in systems ranging from turbulent convection to magnetohydrodynamics.

[1] Hong-Yan Shih, Tsung-Lin Hsieh and Nigel Goldenfeld, Nature Physics 12, 245 (2016)

12/10 Observation of an Unusual Upward-going Cosmic-ray-like Event in the Third Flight of ANITA

Time: 1:20pm, December 10 (Thursday)

Title: Observation of an Unusual Upward-going Cosmic-ray-like Event in the Third Flight of ANITA

Speaker: Prof. TsungChe Liu
(Electrophysics Department, National Chiao Tung University)

Place: Science Building III 1F SC110


We report on an upward traveling, radio-detected cosmic-ray-like impulsive event with characteristics closely matching an extensive air shower. This event,
observed in the third flight of the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA), a NASA-sponsored long-duration balloon payload, is consistent with a similar event reported in a previous flight.
These events may be produced by the atmospheric decay of an upward-propagating τ-lepton produced by a ντ interaction, although their relatively steep arrival angles create tension with the standard model (SM) neutrino cross section.
Each of the two events have a posteriori background estimates of <∼ 10^{−2} events.
If these are generated by τ-lepton decay, then either the charged-current ντ cross section is suppressed at EeV energies, or the events arise at moments
when the peak flux of a transient neutrino source was much larger than the typical expected cosmogenic background neutrinos.