Prof. Jiunn-Yuan LinHigh-temperature superconductors, Fe-based superconductors, Specific heat measurements, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, Oxide magnetic thin films and heterostructures
Assoc. Prof. Hsing-Chih LiangLaser Physics and Laser Technology, Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Physics, Semiconductor Optoelectronic Device
Prof. C.-J. David LinNon-perturbative Quantum Field Theory, Higgs Physics and the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics
Asst. Prof. Anthony FrancisLattice Field Theory, QCD, Standard Model Phenomenology, Heavy Ion Physics, Heavy Quarks
Assoc. Prof. Yoshiaki TeranishiAMO Physics, Ultrafast Phenomenon, Quantum Control, Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Dr. Wei-Hao Wang Research Fellow, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia SinicaMultiwavelength observational studies of galaxy formation and evolution at high redshift
Dr. Yen-Ting LinResearch Fellow, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia SinicaFormation and evolution of galaxies and galaxy clusters; Galaxy-halo connection
Dr. Shao-Yu ChenAssistant Research Fellow, Center of Condensed Matter Sciences at National Taiwan University2D-material device fabrication, Raman spectroscopy, Excitonic many-body physics
Dr. Sheng-hong Chen Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia SinicaSystems Biology
Dr. Keita Kamino Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia SinicaSystems Biology
Prof. Kuan-Neng ChenThree-Dimensional Integrated Circuits (3D IC), Heterogeneous Integration, Advanced Packaging Technology
Prof. Shun-Jen ChengTheory of condensed matter, Low dimensional physics, Quantum devices, Many-body physics
Prof. Chih-Wei LuoFemtosecond optics and laser, Time-resolved spectroscopy, THz spectroscopy, Ultrafast laser micromachining
Visiting Prof. Maurizio PiaiParticle Physics Theory, Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Neutrino physics
Visiting Prof. Luigi Del DebbioCollider Physics, Flavour Physics, Fundamental Theory, Lattice Gauge Theory
Visiting Assoc. Prof. Tsukasa KatayamaMultiferroics, Flexible oxide thin films, Ferroelectric oxide thin films
Prof. Ten-Ming WuSoft condensed matter, Statistical mechanics, Cluster physics, Molecular dynamics simulation