12/22 Nanophotonics for Compound Semiconductor Technologies & Applications
Time: 1:20pm~2:30pm, December 22 (Thursday)
Title: Nanophotonics for Compound Semiconductor Technologies & Applications
Speaker: Dr. Chung-Hsiang Lin
((BVI)Quantum NIL Limited Taiwan Branch)
Place: Science Building III 1F SC157
備註:GoogleMeet連結直播 https://meet.google.com/ndj-aqqz-xuo
The recent trend of compound semiconductor application and technology is addressed.
Driven by the subjects of 5G/6G, AI, HPC, advanced sensing, machine learning and quantum computing, the intelligent nanophotonics technology developments on laser device and Silicon photonics solutions are introduced.
In addition, a new production technique of NIL (Nanoimprint Lithography) applied to CS industry is commercially updated for a wider range of applications.
Driven by the subjects of 5G/6G, AI, HPC, advanced sensing, machine learning and quantum computing, the intelligent nanophotonics technology developments on laser device and Silicon photonics solutions are introduced.
In addition, a new production technique of NIL (Nanoimprint Lithography) applied to CS industry is commercially updated for a wider range of applications.