The research paper and project competitions award Contest rule of CTCP, College of Science

國立陽明交通大學 111 學年度
The Center for Theoretical and Computational of Physics(CTCP) of College of Science
The research paper and project competitions award Contest rule


PurposeThrough the research paper and project competitions, students are encouraged to develop in the field of theoretical physics, and at the same time, their research performance and presentation skills are cultivated.



l   收件截止(Deadline of the paper collection):2022/9/30() 17:00,please send to CTCP    / 03-5712121#56228

l   初審結束(First-round Review):In early November, we will announce the names of the contestants who have passed the first-round review. They are invited to attend the 2nd-round review. 11月初,複審名單另行公告

l   複審(壁報展2nd-round review–Poster Exhibition):End of November. 11月底(選定周間2天中午)

l   頒獎(Award Ceremony):In early December.12月初



Place:In the center court and 1F of Science building #3


Contestants qualificationsStudents (including both undergraduate and graduate students) and postdocs of the Department of Electrophysics and the Institute of Physics whose supervisors are professors of these two departments are qualified for this competition.


Application Materials:We accept research works in the field of theoretical physics. Details are given below:

Undergraduate/Master students:research project report or thesis, a letter of recommendation and other favorable review documents.
博士班/博後: 2021/3/16~2022/9/16 期間已發表/已被接受(需附接受函)之論文、推薦信一封(博士後不需推薦信)及其他有利審查文件

PhD students /Postdocs:Research papers that are either published or accepted (with acceptance letter required) from 2021/3/16 to 2022/9/16, a letter of recommendation(postdocs not required), and other favorable review documents.

伍、評審:CTCP 教授為主,如有需要可視投稿領域邀請外部評審

Reviewers:Professors of CTCP



 流程 :競賽分為初審與複審兩大階段 

The competition consists of two stages: 1. the first-round Review and 2. the second-round review (Poster Exhibition) 

|First-round review初審(匿名Anonymity): Review on the materials/documents provided. 接受參賽者送交的相關資料,並由評審針對書面資料進行初審評分。

|Second-round review(壁報展Poster Exhibition): The format is similar to the science exhibition, and the posters are set up in groups (Undergraduates /masters/PhDs/postdocs). The contestants explain their posters to the reviewers and other participants. The reviewers ask questions to the contestants to evaluate their knowledge presented in their poster and their oral presentation. This format is also similar to the Poster Session of the Annual Meeting of Taiwan Physical Society.形式類似科展,分組別(大學/碩/博/博後)架設參展專題海報,並由專題者講解給評審和同學,由評審進行提問,主要評比參賽者於口語表達方面的展現技巧。評比過程類似於物理年會的發表形式,由各個參賽者設立攤位,評審自由於評比期間在各攤位進行提問與評分。同時邀請系上同學(主要針對大一、大二)聆聽各成果介紹。碩/博/博士後同樣需參加壁報展,形式同上述。


l   初審(First-round Review),占比50%(書面審查):創新性、實用性、方法與過程、研究動機

l   複審(2nd-round Review or Poster Exhibition),占比50%(海報展示):詰問反應能力、海報呈現邏輯適切性

、展版理學院借僅 10 個,跟其他系所借,或向外租借
捌、參賽獎金 + 獎狀(與系辦合作設計)


  • 大學部(Undergraduate students)




佳作(up to 5 Masterpiece 暫定至多5名):NT1000 each

參加者皆有參賽證明(All participants with certificate of participation)

  • 研究所

(Master students)




佳作(up to 5 Masterpiece 暫定至多5名):NT1000 each

參加者皆有參賽證明(All participants with certificate of participation)


優勝者(2名) 2 Winners: NT20000 each

參加者皆有參賽證明(All participants with certificate of participation)


玖、論文競賽獎金由電子物理系及物理所共同贊助。Prizes for the contest are co-sponsored by the Department of Electrophysics and the Institute of Physics.