Prof. Ten-Ming Wu
Ph.D., Physics,
University of California at San Diego
Research Fields
- Soft condensed matter
- Statistical mechanics
- Cluster physics
- Molecular dynamics simulation
Selected publications
1. P. H. Tang and T. M. Wu*,
“Instantaneous normal mode analysis for OKE reduced spectra of liquid and supercooled water: Contributions of low-density and high-density liquids”,
(2020) J. Mol. Liq., 301, 112363
2. P. H. Tang and T. M. Wu*,
“Molecular dynamics simulations for optical Kerr effect of TIP4P/2005 water in liquid and supercooled states”,
(2018) J. Mol. Liq. 269, 38
3. P. H. Tang, Y. Y. Fan, W. L. Hsu, and T. M. Wu*,
“Reorientation of OH-group connecting bifurcated H-bond acceptors in liquid water”,
(2018) Chem. Phys. Lett. 710, 168
4. L. Y. Chen and T. M. Wu,
Clusters of local bond-orientational order in liquid Gallium: Studies of ab initio and classical MD simulations,
(2018) J. Phys: Conf. Series.1136, 012016.
5. L. Y. Chen, P. H. Tang and T. M. Wu*,
“Analysis of local bond-orientational order for liquid Ga at ambient pressure: two types of cluster structures”,
(2016) J. Chem. Phys. 145, 034500