11/24 Development of Quantum Processor with Fluxonium Superconducting Qubits

時間:11月24日(四) 13:20 ~ 14:50

題目:Development of Quantum Processor with Fluxonium Superconducting Qubits

講者:林晏詳 助理教授

服務單位:國立清華大學 物理學系


地點:本校科學三館1樓 SC157

備註:GoogleMeet連結直播 https://meet.google.com/ndj-aqqz-xuo 
In a universal quantum processor, quantum states of quantum bits can be operated
by well-defined quantum logic gates.
Superconducting circuits is one of the promising candidates of hardware platform
for quantum processors. Fluxonium superconducting qubits have long coherence time,
large anharmonicity, and rich energy levels. In this talk, I will introduce
the basic concept of fluxonium superconducting qubits. We will further discuss
about single-qubit gates, two-qubit gates in fluxonium qubit systems.