林貴林 教授
- 粒子天文物理及微中子振盪實驗
1. F.-F Lee, G.-L. Lin* and Vo Quang Nhat,
Polarization effects in the search for dark vector boson at e+e- colliders,
e-Print: 2008.07769 [hep-ph], accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D
2. G.-L. Lin and Y.-H. Lin*,
Analysis on the black hole formations inside old neutron stars by isospin-violating dark matter with self-interaction,
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2020, 8, 022 (2020)
3. K.-C. Lai, W.-H. Lai and G.-L. Lin*,
Constraining the mass scale of a Lorentz-violating Hamiltonian with the measurement of astrophysical neutrino-flavor composition,
Phys. Rev. D 96 (2017) 11, 115026
4. C. S. Chen*, G. L. Lin and Y. H. Lin,
Thermal transport of the solar captured dark matter and its impact on the indirect dark matter search, (All authors make equally important contributions.
Physics of the Dark Universe 14, 35-39 (2016)
5. C. S. Chen*, G. L. Lin and Y. H. Lin,
Complementary test of the dark matter self-interaction by directand indirect detections,
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2016 01 013 (2016)
6. JUNO Collaboration (Fengpeng An (East China U. Sci. Tech., Shanghai) et al.)
Neutrino Physics with JUNO,
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. 43, 3, 030401. (2016)