寺西慶哲 副教授
- 原子分子光學物理
- 超快現象
- 量子控制
- 原子動力學模擬
High-temperature ratchets driven by deterministic and stochastic fluctuations.
V. M. Rozenbaum, I. V. Shapochkina, Y. Teranishi, and L. I. Trakhtenberg
Physical Review E. 99, 1, 012103. (2019)
Laser Manipulation of localised p-electron rotations in a molecule with two aromatic rings.
Masahiro Yamaki, Yoshiaki Teranishi, Sheng Hsien Lin, and Y. Fujimura
Molecular Physics, 115, 1880. (2017)
Induction of unidirectional pi-electron rotations in low-symmetry aromatic ring molecules using two linearly polarized stationary lasers.
Hirobumi Mineo, Masahiro Yamaki, Gap-Sue Kim, Yoshiaki Teranishi*, Sheng Hsien Linb and Yuichi Fujimura
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 18, 38, p. 26786-26795 (2016)
The generation of stationary p-electron rotations in chiral aromatic ring molecules possessing non-degenerate excited states.
Masahiro Yamaki, Yoshiaki Teranishi*, Hiroki Nakamura, Sheng Hsien Lin and Yuichi Fujimura
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 18, 3, p. 1570-1577 (2015)
Development of semiclassical molecular dynamics simulation method.
Hiroki Nakamura, Shinkoh Nanbu, Yoshiaki Teranishi, and Ayumi Ohta
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 18, 17, p. 11972-11985 (2016)